
Friday, 26 August 2016

Maths Strategies

Screenshot 2016-08-26 at 10.02.27 AM.png
Throughout this week, we have been learning different types of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems;
  1. Place value
  2. Standard Algorithm
  3. Rounding off/Rounding down
  4. Rounding and Compensating
  5. Guess and Check
  6. Long division

and there’re still probably some that I left out. In the photo, on the right, I used rounding and compensating to solve the multiplication problems. On the left, I used guess and check to solve my division problems. I found these strategies very easy to use but I reckon I could’ve solve it faster using standard algorithm and long division. I would very much like to teach my learnings to the other students in my class.


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