
Wednesday, 26 November 2014


I was playing a game called adding and subtracting integers. As you can tell, I did extremely bad. I got 3 correct and 7 wrong so I think I still need a little more practise. When I know my integers, hopefully I'll get the chance to play this game again and get 10 out of 10.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


In this game, we had to answer questions that had to do with exponents. I only got 1 wrong. When I was playing the game, Mr Morenko helped me with solving the problems and then I could understand exponents. Next time I play this game, hopefully I will get them all right.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Magic Square

Our Teacher put a link to a game called magic squares. In the game, the magic number was 15. So I had to write numbers from 1 - 9 so that each diagonal, down and across way will add up to 15. I couldn't have done it if Mr. Morenko taught Shanelle and I how to do it. I would like to have more of these examples in mathematics.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

E asttle Reading

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This is my reading e asttle results for reading. My overall was 3P. I was hoping to get a 3A or up. II improved because in my last e asttle reading, I got a 2 A so I think I have improved a lot. I am at the national standard which means I am where I am supposed to be for my age.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

E Asttle Test Nov 2014

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For my e asttle test, I got an overall of 4B. I was happy because I thought that I was going to stay at 3A. I was also happy because I have improved. I got a 3A in algebra. I think I could have done better for algebra because we have been learning algebra for a long time. I mostly improved on Number Knowledge and I got a 4P. Hopefully in the next test, I will  improve even more.   

Monday, 3 November 2014

Chinese New Year rap

WALT: write a rap

During the Chinese New Year
You’ll see people dancing.
When they were finished
People would say that it was enchanting.

Outside of their house
There are decorations.
But you will never see them
Outside of train stations.

On those decorations
There would be rhymes and poems
People would read them
But obviously not golems.

During the night
They light off firecrackers
Watch out parents
Hide your daughters.

The Chinese New Year
Is a religious festivals
They celebrate the years
Using symbols of animals.

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